+44 (0)1737 821590
Our Services   |    What else we do

Our growing range of services is designed to support you at every stage in the development of your training strategy, from the analysis of your training needs to the measurement of your training success.

Other training services offered include:


Customised onsite training projects ensure that our trainers work in the real world – not an academic ivory tower. This experience enables our instructors to incorporate consultancy with onsite training courses as well as providing consultancy only services.

Testing services

We have produced numerous tests from the LINX accredited Internet Technician exams through to specific testing for training projects.

Technical authoring

We have developed over 125 courses and we can use that expertise to write courses matching your exact needs.

Training Needs Analysis

We can work with companies to identify performance improvements which can be made to make businesses more efficient.

Managed training services

Our skills in managing a full public schedule can be used to manage the complete training cycle for whole companies.