A follow on hands on course from the Introduction to shell programming course covering the powerful sed and awk tools along with the extra Korn shell programming features.
Programmers developing applications under UNIX.
Administrators who need time saving utilities.
personnel who wish to make the most out of the Korn
3 days
What are REs? How can they be used? How to write REs
e REs Tagging, matching words, repetitions.
Basic usage: Saving output, options. sed script files, sed commands, Specifying lines to edit, Hold space and pattern space, advanced commands
Basic usage, nawk script files, Patterns, Records
and fields,
if, while, do, for...
System variables
NF, NR, RS...
length, printf, cos, user defined...
Using nawk in shell scripts
Review of Bourne shell scripts
typeset, manipulating strings
Arithmetic evaluation
the let command, (( )),
typeset -i
The select construct
Syntax, workings, REPLY, PS3
Enhanced I/O, ${10}
"Course was tailored to our requirements. Very flexible."
"I’ve found it very useful and the course was very well put together and delivered."
This structured training course seeks to build upon workbook learning through the use of group exercises, dynamic discussion and individual tasks in order to deliver an engaging and interactive module that will ensure all candidates are able to transfer their new skills into the workplace.