+44 (0)1737 821590
Introduction to Java programming  |    A 5 day   hands on   training course

Java training course description

A comprehensive introduction of the Java language and environment. It is important to note that the course will assume that the delegates are already familiar with the C language as this enables more advanced features of the Java language to be covered in the course. The course will also give an overview of areas related to programming in Java.

What will you learn
  • Describe the Java architecture.
  • Write Java applets and applications.
  • Debug Java programs.
  • Examine existing code and determine its function.
  • Use multimedia extensions, the awt, multithreading, exceptions within Java
Java training course details

Java training course contents

  • Review of UNIX fundamentals
  • What is Java?
  • What Java is, history of Java, reasons for success. The Java Virtual Machine, Bytecodes, getting up and running with Java, Java resources. Simple Java applications.

  • C features in Java
  • Java data structures, Java flow control, differences from C, arrays, strings and packages.

  • OO features in Java
  • Java classes and objects, inheritance, overloading, packages. Differences from C++.

  • Java applets
  • Applications vs. applets, HTML, the applet tag, applet methods, life cycle, testing and debugging.

  • Multimedia applets
  • Images, sounds, fonts, colours and animation.

  • Java products
  • The JDK in detail, other development environments. Javabeans and JDBC overviews.

  • Abstract Window Toolkit
  • JFC and Swing versus AWT. Event handling (JDK 1.1), GUIs, panels, buttons, lists, scrollbars, text areas, frames…

  • Exception handling and multithreading
  • Handling exceptions. Starting, pausing, stopping threads, producers, consumers, monitoring.

  • More standard classes
  • Java file I/O, Streams, The system class. The networking model, java.net classes.

  • Security and Java
  • Types of attack, the security manager, craplets, securing the network.

  • Integrating legacy code with Java

Learning path



Based on overall ratings

R. B.- Serco DNS

"Course was tailored to our requirements. Very flexible."

D. M. - Paradigm

"I’ve found it very useful and the course was very well put together and delivered."

Training approach

This structured training course seeks to build upon workbook learning through the use of group exercises, dynamic discussion and individual tasks in order to deliver an engaging and interactive module that will ensure all candidates are able to transfer their new skills into the workplace.