PHP provides for the creation of dynamic web sites. This hands on training course looks at programming with PHP with an emphasis of building dynamic websites. Forms, state management and database integration are all covered with practicals used throughout the course to reinforce theory sessions.
Anyone creating dynamic web sites.
Software development fundamentals
3 days
PHP history, dynamic web pages, how PHP works, alternatives to PHP. Downloading and installing PHP. Installing MySQL, installing Apache, platform issues.
A basic PHP script, PHP page structure. PHP comments. Integrating PHP and HTML.
HTML forms, taking values from forms.
Page inputs, environment inputs. phpinfo(), other form elements, sticky fields, generalised code, tables, forms, form elements, style sheets, JavaScript.
Expressions, data types, assignments, scope, constants, HTTP environment variables, getting data from forms using variables.
Arithmetic, logical, relational, Boolean, others.
Conditional: if, else, elseif, switch. Loops: while, do while, for, break, continue, exit.
Built in functions, declaration, arguments, scope, loading functions from other files, defaulting parameters, call by value/ name.
Indexes, array initialisation, array manipulation, multi dimensional arrays, array functions.
What is a string, string functions, matching, extraction, replacement. String operations, cleansing, sprintf, formatting web pages, strops and others, splitting strings, REs.
Database structure, Database APIs, MySQL, Creating tables, Editing tables, simple SQL queries using PHP, building HTML tables using SQL queries, SQL injection, security issues, error handling.
Opening, reading, writing files. Permissions, ownership, locking, directories.
State, Cookie properties, setting cookies, retrieving cookies, expiring/deleting cookies. Sessions, session variables, session IDs.
Emailing from servers, attachments.
OOP, PHP classes, constructors, instances.
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"I’ve found it very useful and the course was very well put together and delivered."
This structured training course seeks to build upon workbook learning through the use of group exercises, dynamic discussion and individual tasks in order to deliver an engaging and interactive module that will ensure all candidates are able to transfer their new skills into the workplace.