A hands on introduction to programming in Visual BASIC .Net.
Anyone wishing to program in Visual BASIC.
Anyone wishing to build Windows based applications.
None although experience in another high level language would be useful.
5 days
Visual Studio, forms designer, running VB programs, the UI, properties, writing the code.
Basic use, input controls, ActiveX controls.
Menus, Dialog Box controls, event procedures.
Variables, I/O, data types, constants, operators, Math Methods, precedence.
Event-Driven programming, If…Then, Select Case, For…Next Loops, Timer Control.
Break Mode, watch & command windows.
Try...Catch, Finally, Err Object, retry periods.
Standard modules, public variables, procedures.
Fixed-Size & dynamic Arrays, ReDim Preserve, object collections, Controls Collection.
Text Box object, Text String methods, sorting.
Application objects, automation in VB, the Object Browser, the Process Component.
Planning a deployment, ways to deploy an application, deployment projects, options.
Forms, positioning, manipulation, adding controls, organizing controls, Startup Object.
System.Drawing namespace, coordinates, SystemPaint Event, animation, transparency.
Inheriting forms, inheritance picker, base classes and inheritance, classes in projects.
PrintDocument class, Text Box object, Print Preview and Page Setup Dialog Boxes.
Databases, ADO.NET, Data Adapters, Datasets, Bound & Navigation Controls. Displaying database records, formatting DataGrid cells, updating the database.
IE Object, Internet Controls, IE Events.
ASP.NET, Web Forms vs. Windows Forms, HTML controls, web applications, event procedures for web forms controls.
"Hard concepts were explained very simply."
"I’ve found it very useful and the course was very well put together and delivered."
This structured training course seeks to build upon workbook learning through the use of group exercises, dynamic discussion and individual tasks in order to deliver an engaging and interactive module that will ensure all candidates are able to transfer their new skills into the workplace.