This three-day course helps build a foundation in the development of Web applications. This is not a HTML course but covers the technologies needed to develop web applications. Technologies covered include: ASP.NET, XML, AJAX and HTTP error codes.
Anyone looking for an introduction to web development.
3 days
CSS; tables; embedding images; page layout for navigation.
Request; Server; Application; Session; Response; HttpContext.
Understand how state is stored based on application design and hardware; understand different types such as session state, view state, control state and application state.
Application and page life cycle events; page events; control events; application events; session events; cross-page posting; Response.Redirect; Server.Transfer; IsPostBack; setting AutoEventWireup.
Understanding various types of controls, including user, server, web and validation controls; know which is the appropriate type of control for a scenario.
Understanding the usage of web.config and machine.config, and the settings that can be made.
Understanding XML, XML validation Does not include: Web services; XPath syntax; XmlDocument; XPathNavigator; XPathNodeIterator; XPathDocument; XmlReader; XmlWriter; XmlDataDocument; XmlNamespaceManager.
The ability to choose the proper data object to use based on application requirements/design.
Creating a basic WCF service or web service so that it can be consumed; App_WebReferences; configuration.
LinqDataSource: ObjectDataSource; XmlDataSource; SqlDataSource.
Ensure that data is updated and displayed in data-aware controls.
Database connections; connection objects; connection pools; transaction objects.
Use in conjunction with custom error pages to display appropriate error information to the appropriate user; implement tracing of a web application, Trace.axd, Trace=True on @Page directive.
HTTP error codes.
Purpose of client-side scripting; various client-side scripting languages. LE/370 and Intrinsic Functions.
ASP.NET AJAX implementation; working with client-side libraries, EnablePartialRendering, Triggers, ChildrenAsTriggers, Scripts, Services, UpdateProgress, Timer, ScriptManagerProxy, extender controls.
Forms authentication, Windows authentication; authorisation; file authorisation; impersonation Does not include: Windows Cardspace authentication, Passport (Windows Live ID) authentication, Custom authentication.
Local assemblies; shared assemblies (GAC); web application projects; solutions; configuration files; AppSettings.
Choosing the appropriate method to deploy an application based on existing or intended environment; updatable vs. not updateable; MSI deployment; Internet Information Server (IIS) installation and configuration.
Purpose of application pools; effect of application pools on web applications.
"Hard concepts were explained very simply."
"I’ve found it very useful and the course was very well put together and delivered."
This structured training course seeks to build upon workbook learning through the use of group exercises, dynamic discussion and individual tasks in order to deliver an engaging and interactive module that will ensure all candidates are able to transfer their new skills into the workplace.